Design, Development and Implementation of Educational and Entertainment Mobile Robots Utilizing Arduino Microcontroller

  • Ruvel J. Cuasito, Sr. Mindanao University of Science and Technology
Keywords: mechatronics, mobile robotics, ultrasonic sensor,, mbedded system, servo - motor


This paper provides fundamental insights on academic initiatives undertaken by Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines in addressing some issues relative to the declining academic interests in science and technology (S&T) among students in the secondary schools in the country. While academic interventions were implemented both public and private efforts, career preference continue to persist in favor of the medical service programs. This notion motivated the pursuance of this study in an effort to entice students toward science and technology. The study features the design and implementation of educational and entertainment mobile robots with variety of control concept applications. The control design implemented follows pre-established parameters set forth by MUST as basis for the students in their respective robotic designs. The basic criteria sets the prototype to be light weight, “Arduino” microcontroller-based, programmable in C-Language, powered by internal battery, and a choice of DC or servo motor prime movers. The control designs are guided by the discrete truth table where input and output devices interact via programming through appropriate electronic interfacing. The outcome of the study is perceived to influence career interest and direction of students towards science and technology through high impact advocacy using the educational and entertainment mobile robots as the primary pedagogic tool and attraction. The survey results yielded positive affirmation on the performance of the educational and entertainment mobile robots as evidenced by the high to very high mean ratings on pre-established evaluation parameters.