Geometrical Solar Panel Reflectors Using Galvanized Iron Sheets

  • Jun-Jun A. Obiso Electronics Engineering Department Cebu Technological University – Cebu City Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
  • Robert C. Milano
  • Ernesto O. Villanueva Electronics Engineering Department Cebu Technological University – Cebu City Cebu City, 6000 Philippines
  • Aplegrace M. Calunsag
Keywords: solar reflector, solar tracker, reflector shapes, GI sheet reflector, reflector tilt angle


Solar panels are widely used in the Philippines to collect solar energy. To minimize deflection of sunrays on panels, reflectors are incorporated. The existing reflectors are the planar reflectors. Because of concerns in cost and availability, a need to find an alternative reflector arises. In this study, the galvanized iron (GI) sheets were used as reflectors attached in the four sides of the existing solar panels. The shapes of the reflectors as used in the experiments were rectangular, triangular, and parabolic. Experiment results have shown that for optimum performance, the tilt angle of the reflector with respect to the vertical axis of the panel must be 70° and the solar panel must be always perpendicular to the solar source. Any of the three reflector shapes can be used since there exists no significant difference on the output voltages at any time of the day. With the usage of the GI sheet as reflectors, the output voltage has increased up to 23.09% in average as compared to the set up with no reflector. The utilization of GI sheet as reflectors has advantages over the planar reflectors on costs and availability since GI sheets can be easily bought in any hardware store in the Philippines.
